am so grateful for a child that is trying to do her best even at her
worst. I'm grateful that we can giggle about it later. I'm grateful
that I have the means to have a home that we can giggle about it later
IN. I'm grateful that I can feed that said child and that she has not
had to go hungry even when I have felt despair at the thinning means to
do so. I am grateful and thankful for the people in my life, far and
near, for each one has taught me so much along the way.
I am so grateful for being given the opportunity to give back of myself to help others. It gives ME pleasure to help when I can, to give where I can, to make pain go away with the tools I've been given and learned to use. I am not on a self-gratifying mission in this life. But, at the same time, it IS self-gratifying. I LOVE to do it.
I am grateful for my sight. Without it, where would I be? How would I survive without something that I've taken for granted my ENTIRE life? Right now I struggle to see WITH glasses. I can not imagine struggling in complete darkness with only sounds, smells and touch to help guide my way. I see others so CONFIDENTLY walking with their sight sticks or assistance companion dogs and think how grateful I am that I am not them. But, in reality... they DO see the world differently and maybe a bit more intensely with their other senses so sharpened. They don't take anything for granted. I will no longer do so myself.
I am actually deep down grateful for my struggles. I've struggled in the past few years with where my life has gone. It is definitely not where I thought I would be. I've struggled financially, emotionally, mentally... and, why??? I wasn't here two years ago, but I AM in a better place than two years ago... or five years ago. I'm grateful for those five years that have made me a much stronger person, even when I don't realize it. Even when I don't FEEL it. In the end, I've gotten through everything that has come my way. It's time to stop. Recharge my engine and move forward with the strength that has been gathering. I can feel it. I know it's there.
This life is such a gift (and I've been talking about life gifts a lot lately) that I can not waste and take for granted. I can no longer think of just getting through one more day to the next. When one does that, there is no enjoying the road you are traveling on. It just becomes "trudgery" (Yes, I made up that word. Not that it hasn't been said before, I'm sure. Yay me!).