I wanted to give a quick introduction to my furrier members of my family. All my pets have been adopted through the years and have been the BEST companions one could ask for.
First I would like to introduce Boomer. As you may notice he looks a bit like a Dingo. Pre-D-Day (PDD for short), we all four (yes, m
y niece included) went to the pound in the hopes of adopting a dog. We didn't have many requirements or expectations (if any at all really), other than we were hoping to find one that would be no more than 40 lbs. or so. My hopes of a Great Dane were fizzled with the twinges of reality.
At first the former spouse was against us adopting a dog, then decided to and then in the end didn't want him (but, again, that is for another post, another day). As he rounded a corner and went down an aisle, he yelled for me. He said he found the dog "he wanted". We asked to see him, played with him and introduced him to the newest adopted member of our family, Miracle.
Since the three of us couldn't decide on a name, we combined the names we came up with:
Boomer Bo Dingo... Boomer for short.
Next I'd like to introduce Holly... my little "hallecassay". She's my bundle of scaredy kitty that teases the dog like no other... and he buys into it! She came to our family quite awhile ago now as just a teensy weensy two month old kitten that was MEOWing so loudly from across the street as I sat INSIDE my house. After investigating we brought her in and proceeded to manually take off the parasites that were attached to the side of her little face. She was ever so calm and patient through the whole ordeal, somehow knowing that we were trying to help her.
At the time I was working for a rescue organization and was preparing to adopt her out as we already had two cats at the time. Well, come to find out as she was at the vet to be spayed, they found she had a litter of kittens that were not
going to make it and some that did not. Needless to say, I didn't adopt her out and here she is today.

Not that long ago, I had to put my old boy, Minut, to sleep. If you know anything about familiars, he was mine. He lived to be about 20 years old and we had some great memories together. He "begged" me to take him from the situation that he was in by
following me from his home to my car... meowing the entire way. I couldn't say no. The fondest memory I have of him is when he chased a herd of about eight Dalmatians off our patio... hissing, spitting and screaming all the way around the corner! He was fearless AND fierce. His "former person" (not the "former spouse") had declawed him, but that didn't stop him and he was a gentle, mellow old tuxedo.

Finally, my first old boy we had adopted was Fred. He was a big, fat gray/black tabby that lived a long time with seizures. We adopted him on a rainy night when we were at Ralphs (I couldn't name him Ralph so settled with Fred -- as a joke at first, then it stuck). A little girl was outside the store with a huge box and just Fred left inside. I remember she couldn't go home until all the kittens were adopted. We left, but went back... that poor little girl!!!
Unfortunately, when Fred was a little older, he was hit by two cars at the same time. He ended up with head trauma and a broken pelvis. He recovered and lived a long life, surviving with his seizures, but was happy... or so I like to think. I believe, wholeheartedly, that cats should remain indoor cats. It's a dangerous world out there!
Fred left us so long ago that I don't even have a picture of him to share... I shall dig and find a good one... Not that I need one to remember his squishy gooshy Archie Bunker of an attitude little fuzzy face!
Thank you for sharing in my little family with me. They all mean so much...
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